Sunday, December 28, 2014



(K-TET), Kerala 2012
Categroy II - Paper II (Class VI to VIII)


A nursery teacher monitors a group of
children, recording each instance of Altruistic
behavior as it occurs. The teacher uses
A. Experimental method
B. Naturalistic observation
C. Case Study
D. Survey method
According to Piaget, a Mathematics teacher
can teach, A + B = B + A, only when the
child's cognitive development is at :
A. Sensori - motor stage
B. Preoperational stage
C. Concrete operational stage
D. Formal operational stage
A mentally challenged child is not admitted in
the school by the headmaster. Being a teacher
in the same school, which of the following
would help you arguing in favour of the child?
A. New education policy 1986
B. Kothari commission Report 1966
C. PWD Act 1995
D. PWD Act 1985
Hcp \gvkdn A[ym-]n-I, Ip´n-Iƒ ]c-kv]cw
XpS؟®bmbn tcJ-s∏-Sp-طp∂p F∂p Icp-Xp-
I. A[ym-]nI A\p-h؟طn-°p∂ coXn GXv?
A. ]co-£-W-coXn
B. kzm`m-hnI \nco-£Ww
C. tIkvأUn
D. k¿th
]nbm-sj-bpsS kn≤m-¥-a-\p-k-cn®v Hcp KWn-
Xm-≤ym-]n-Ibv°v A + B = B + A F∂ Bibw
]Tn-∏n-°p-∂-Xn\v Ip´n GXp _u≤nI \ne-
A. C{µnb Nme-I-L´w
B. {]mKvNn-¥-\-L´w
C. kaq؟ط Nn¥-\-L´w
D. Aaq؟ط Nn¥-\-L´w
_p≤n-am-µy-ap≈ Ip´nsb {]th-in-∏n-°m≥
hnk-ΩXw Im´nb \nك-fpsS slUvam-أ-dpsS
{]hr-طnsb Jfin-°m\pw Ip´n-°-\p-Iq-e-
ambn hmZn-°m\pw A[ym-]-Is\∂p≈ coXn-
bn¬ \nكƒ°v Ah-ew-_n-°m-hp∂ \nb-a-
A. \yq FUyq-t°-j-W¬ t]mfnkn 1986
B. tImطmcn IΩo-j≥ dnt∏m؟´v 1966
C. ]n.U-ªyq.Un. BIvSv 1995
D. ]n.U-ªyq.Un. BIvSv 1985
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Category - II
For using insightful learning in a classroom,
which of the following is the most appropriate
condition required
A. Sensation
B. Intelligence
C. Perception
D. Attention
The mential activity that goes on in the brain
when a person is processing information is
A. Imagination
B. Thinking
C. Intution
D. Problem solving
Dƒ°mgvN ]T-\-طn¬ Xmsg-∏-d-bp-∂hbn¬
Ahiyw th≠Xv:
A. kwth-Z\w
B. _p≤n
C. {]Xy-£Ww
D. {i≤
hnhc hni-I-e\ {]{In-b-bn¬ (Information
processing) Xe-t®m-dn¬ \S-°p-∂Xv GXv Xcw
am\-knI {]h؟ط-\-amWv:
A. `mh\
B. Nn¥\w
C. C≥Syq-j≥
D. {]iv\-]-cn-l-cWw
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1. `mjm-]m-Tm-h-en-bn¬ hnhn[ hyh-lm-c-cq-]-كƒ Dƒs∏-Sp-طp-∂-Xns‚ e£y-a-√m-ط-tXXv?
A. hyh-lm-c-cq-]-كƒ ]cn-N-b-s∏-Sp-طpI
B. `mj {]tbm-Kn-°p-∂-Xn-\p≈ tijn t\SpI
C. hyh-lm-c-cq-]-كsf Xmc-Xayw sNّpI
D. hnhn[ cN\m coXn-I-fn¬ {]mhoWyw t\SpI.
2. "kqX-hmIyw tI´p tamtZ\ iu\I ˛
\mZ-c-thmSp \mtKm-ev]طn sNm¬sI-∂m≥'
CXn\p kam-\-amb Xmf-طn-ep≈ hcn-Iƒ Is≠طpI.
A. Iئ-s\-°m-s◊-Xn-∂m-bt√m t]mIp∂p,
]pWy-hm-s\-∂Xp \n¿Wbw Xm≥
B. Al-a-l-an-Ibm ]mh-I-Pzm-e-I˛
fw_-c-tطm-f-ap-b؟∂p sN∂p apZm...
C. AΩ-sb-∂p≈ c≠-£-c-a-√tbm
D. ]mXn-cm-t°mgn hnfn-∏Xpw tIƒ°msX
]mSطp ]p©bv°p tXhp∂p c≠p-t]¿.
3. A]-cs‚ Zml-طn-s\-t‚-Xn-t\-°mfp ˛
a[n-Iamw Icp-Wbpw Icp-Xepw
IpSn]m؟°p-samcp hosS-\n-°p-≠v.
CXn\p kam-\-a-√mط Bibw hcp∂ hcn-Iƒ sXc-s™-Sp-°pI
A. Hmtcm inip-tcm-Z-\-طnepw tIƒ∏p Rm≥
Hcp tImSn-bo-iz-c-hn-em]w
B. kvt\ln-°-bn√ Rm≥, t\mhp-am-flm-hns\
kvt\ln-®n-Sm-sطmcp XXz-im-kv{X-sطbpw
C. lm! hnPn-Kojp arXyp-hn-∂mtam
Pohn-X-طn≥ sImSn-∏Sw Xmgvطm≥
D. Hscm‰ aX-ap-≠p-e-In-∂p-bncmw
]cs° \sΩ-∏m-e-ar-Xq´pw
]m¿hW iin-_nw_w
4. s]mXp-hn-Zym-e-b-طn¬ {ih-W-tijn Ipd™ (Hearing Impaired) Ip´n-Iƒ°p-th≠n ]T\{]h؟ط-
\-كƒ sXc-s™-Sp-°p-tºmƒ {]k-‡-a-√m-طXv GXv?
A. Ip´n-bpsS apJ-طp-t\m°n kwkm-cn-°pI
B. Nn{X-ك-fpsS D]-tbmKw
C. BwKy-`m-jm-{]-tbmKw
D. s{_bn¬ en]n-{]-tbm-P-\-s∏-Sp-ط¬
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Category - II
5. ae-scmfn Xncfpw a[p-N-{µn-I-bn¬
ag-hn¬s°m-Sn-bpsS ap\-ap°n
Fgp-Xm-\p-gdo Iev]\ Znhy-sam˛
cg-Ins\ Fs∂ ad∂q Rm≥?
ASn-h-c-bn´ {]tbmKw [z\n-∏n-°p∂ Bi-b-sa¥v?
A. Xqen-I-bpsS ta∑
B. \mbn-I-bpsS Znhy-ku-µcyw
C. \nem-hns‚ `wKn
D. ag-hn-√ns‚ AgIv
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Category - II
1. B\ظm Yœl◊ UظQY⁄dœd Lئ˚R G›’m ˘NVpTظh•˚] A∞jRظp,
AlT˚Pl◊L˚[ Uكl©”m˙Tظ’ GRtœ AكL ےd°Vj’Ym ˘Lظ”dL ˙YiPظm?
A. Y⁄Q˚]
B. L⁄j’
C. LtT˚]
D. G›j’l ©˚Z
2. كhP™”Rp, كWh”Rp, TœjRظnRp, ˘RظœjRظnRp, وo‹LظQp C˚Y CkRd Lt\p
ے˚\dœl ˘Tظ⁄jRUظ]’?
A. ئ¨‹˚W ے˚\
B. ˘NVpكhP ے˚\
C. ئ]ظئ˚P ے˚\
D. ئ˚[Vظh” ے˚\
3. ""و´]ظp —hP ◊i Es[ظflm B\ظ˙R
Sظئ]ظp —hP Y”''
Cdœ\hTظئp A˚UkR A¶?
B. Rtœ±l˙Tt\ A¶
C. ˙Ytfl˚U A¶
D. E⁄YظL A¶
4. Gh”j˘Rظ˚L ثp ApXظR’ G’?
A. L≠j˘Rظ˚L
B. Th•]lTظ˚X
C. T¨TظPp
D. TكtfllTj’
5. B. UظRY≤u SظYp G’?
A. œ⁄كl◊]p
B. ◊]¤m UQ¤m
C. Tg—m T£Ÿm
D. Lp¤dœs DWm
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Category -II
I. Language Comprehension
Read the following poem and choose the correct answer for the questions that follow:
Fallen Leaves
Why should I be the first to fall
Of all the leaves on this old tree?
Though sadly soon I know that all
Will lose their hold and follow me
While my birth - brothers bravely blow
Why should I be the first to go?
Why should I be the last to cling
Of all the leaves on this bleak bough?
I have fluttered since the fire of spring
And I am worn and withered now
I would escape the winter gale
And sleep soft - silvered by a snail.
When swoop the legions of the snow
To pitch their tents in roaring weather
We fallen leaves will lie below
And rot rejoicing together;
And from our rich and dark decay
Will laugh our brothers of the May.
1. In the first stanza, what does the phrase "my birth - brothers" stand for?
A. Other trees
B. Other leaves
C. Wind
D. Other seasons
2. Which among the following phrases come nearer in meaning to "worn and withered"?
A. Hail and hearty
B. Black and blue
C. Wear and tear
D. Cut and dried
3. Which of the following pairs of words do not rhyme?
A. Spring - cling
B. together - weather
C. blow - bough
D. snow - below
4. "………….. sleep soft - silvered by a snail" is an example of …………
A. Alliteration
B. Assonance
C. Simile
D. Rhyme
II. Read the following passage and find suitable answers to the questions 5 to 7
A game of chess means a battle between two armies having 15 pieces each. The battle field is a board of
64 squares. For about 15 centuries, since its birth in India, chess players have done everything possible to
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win. Chess has been given a special place by the Soviets. Lenin, a good chess player himself, introduced
the game in the Soviet school programme. Of the seven world champions since the Second World war, six
have been Russians. Bobby Fischer was the only American to win the World Champion title in 1972. The
Russians were very much upset over this defeat. They thought some trick was played on them. As Bobby
was beating Spassky they demanded to inspect the player's chair. All they found were a few dead flies.
Behaviour of chess players is often strange. It is not uncommon to see grown up men weeping in defeat.
The Russian chess player Nimzovich was very angry losing to a lesser known player. He leapt on the
table and scattered the pieces in all directions, saying, "Must I lose to this idiot!"
5. The passage is about
A. The battle between the Soviet Union and USA
B. The battle between two armies
C. The battle after Second World War
D. Chess game and the Soviets
6. Which word in the passage means 'throw in a haphazard way'?
A. scatter
B. leap
C. inspect
D. upset
7. In the passage, " a trick was played" means
A. Bobby played cards
B. Bobby used foul tactics to Spassky
C. Bobby played like a magician
D. Bobby played well
8. Which among the following is the correct passive form of ‘Somebody has put out the light?’
A. The light has been put out
B. The light has being put out by some one
C. The light was put out
D. The light had been put out.
9. Select the inappropriate alternative.
While dealing with autistic children, a teacher should ...........
A. give a clear daily routine
B. say a firm ‘No’ to unacceptable behaviour
C. address the child individually
D. use humour or irony
10. Choose the right option
A dictionary should not be used in the class room for ......................................
A. developing reference skill
B. finding the right spelling
C. developing reading comprehension
D. finding synonyms
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Category -II
1. UnkvseIvknb BsW-∂-dn™ Hcp Ip´n°v \¬Ip-hp∂ DNn-X-amb ]T-\-]n-¥pW F¥v?
A. Ip´n-°p≈ {]tXyI Ign-hp-Iƒ F¥m-sW∂p Is≠-طp-Ibpw t{]m’m-ln-∏n-°p-
Ibpw sNّpI
B. amXm-]n-Xm-°ƒ°v D]-tZiw \¬IpI
C. Ip´n-tbmSv A\p-Iº, A\p-Xm]w F∂nh {]I-Sn-∏n-°pI
D. kvs]jy¬ kvIqfn-te°v am‰p-∂-Xn\v klm-bn-°pI
2. ss{]adn ¢mknse Ip´n Fgp-Xnb IY hne-bn-cp-طp-tºmƒ Xmc-X-tay\ Ipd™ Du∂¬
sImSp-t°≠ LS-Iw GXv?
A. hymI-cWsط‰n-√mط hmIy-كƒ
B. hSn-hp≈ Iّ-£cw
C. DNn-X-amb ]Z-ك-fpsS k∂n-thiw
D. `mh-\bpw k¿Km-fl-I-Xbpw
3. Xmsg-sIm-Sp-طn-cn-°p∂hbn¬ A؟∞-]q¿W-ambn ssien {]tbm-Kn-®n-cn-°p-∂Xv GXv hmIy-
A. Iq\n≥ta¬°pcp F∂ t]mse, ]co£ Pbn-®p-\n¬°p∂ chn°v tem´-dn-bn¬ kΩm-
\hpw e`n®p
B. "Hcp shSn°v c≠p ]£n' F∂-t]mse ]co-£-bn¬ H∂mw dm¶p t\Sn-b-tXmsS cma\v
‰hpw e`n-®p.
C. "CSn sht´-‰-hs\ ]mºv ISn®p' F∂v ]d-™-Xp-t]mse Abm-fpsS aIƒ tImtf-Pnepw
aI≥ kvIqfnepw ]co-£-bn¬ H∂m-a-Xmbn Pbn®p
D. Hcpa-bp-s≠-¶n¬ De-°-taepw InS°mw F∂-Xp-t]mse Ip´n-I-sf√mw Ah-c-h-cpsS Ccn-
∏n-S-ك-fn¬ kzےcmbn Ccp-∂p.
4. Xmsg-s°m-Sp-طn-cn-°p∂hbn¬ B´-°Ym hn`m-K-طn¬s∏´ IrXn-tbXv?
A. Aº-e-a-Wn-Iƒ
B. Dطcm-kzbwhcw
C. cma-N-{µ-hn-emkw
D. cma-cm-P-_-l-Zq¿
5. ""ےncamw kvt\l-a-\mY aqgn-bn¬''
Cu hcn-bnse Bi-b-tطmSv Gsd kmay-ap≈ hcn--Iƒ sXc-s™-Sp-°p-I.
A. kvt\l-am-W-Jnekmc-aq-gn-bn¬
B. kvt\l-طn¬ \n∂p-Zn-°p∂q temIw, kvt\l˛
-طm¬ hr≤n tXSp∂p
C. kvt\ln-°-bn√ Rm≥, t\mhp-am-flm-hns\
kvt\ln-®n-Sm-sطmcp Xطz-im-kv{X-sطbpw
D. \nXy-am-\-k-_-‘-كƒ
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I. Read the following passage and choose the right answer for the questions 1 - 6
According to Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan of enormous strength. After being defeated by the god
Zeus, Atlas was forced to carry the earth and the sky for eternity. In depictions of Altas, he is shown as
a stooped figure carrying the globe on his shoulders. Because of his association with globe, maps began to
be decorated with this image of Atlas. Accordingly, the word 'Atlas' became a nickname for a collection
of maps. Today, an atlas refers to any book that consists of a bound collection of maps. For example, an
atlas can be made up of maps of the countries of the world ... Sometimes an atlas will also contain graphs
and charts with other statistical information about religion, temperature, languages or population of a given
1. This passage focuses on …………
A. Greek mythology
B. culture, religion and climate of certain areas
C. how the term 'atlas' has been evolved
D. the enormous strength of Atlas
2. Atlas supported the earth and the sky because
A. he was a titan of enormous strength
B. he was punished after losing to Zeus
C. he was associated with maps and globes
D. he was a slave to the god Zeus
3. As used in the passage, which is the best synonym for 'accordingly'?
A. consequently
B. however
C. logically
D. naturally
4. Based on the passage, it can be inferred that the additional charts and graphs in an atlas can include
information about
I. Major languages
II. Average temperatures
III. Historical events
A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I only
D. I, II and III
5. In the above passage, the word 'stoop' means
A. stand straight
B. to kneel down
C. to bend one's shoulder
D. having the arms backwards
6. Which of the following words from the passage is closer in meaning to 'gigantic'?
A. Atlas
B. Zeus
C. Titan
D. Globe
7. Find the odd pair out
A. books - library
B. people - population
C. maps - atlas
D. graphs - charts
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8. The boy swam ...................the river
A. above
B. across
B. under
C. over
9. A teacher may adopt the following educational approach for Children with Special Needs (CWSN)
A. Small sized classroom
B. Special curriculum
B. Special teaching methods
D. Adapted curriculum
10. Factors that affect Language learning include.
A. age and attitude only
B. age and aptitude only
C. age, attitude and aptitude
D. age, maturity and health condition.
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Category - II
1.  S…xi…x… E‰ع ∫……l… ¶……π…… Eع… C™…… ∫…∆§…xv… Ωث˛?
A.  S…xi…x… +…ثئ˙ ¶……π…… +±…M… - +±…M… Ωث˛
B. ¶……π…… Eع…  S…xi…x… E‰ع ∫……l… l……‰b˜… ∫…∆§…xv… Ωث˛
C.  S…xi…x… Ω˛“ ¶……π…… Ωث˛
D.  S…xi…x… +…ثئ˙ ¶……π…… ∫…®……xi…ئ˙ i…i¥… Ωب˛
2. §…SS……آ E‰ع ®…x… ®…آ ¶……π…… Eع… +x…÷¶…¥… Eثع∫…‰ Œ∫l…ئ˙ ئ˙J… ∫…Eعi…… Ωث˛?
A. ™……∆ j…Eع +x…÷¶…¥……آ ∫…‰
B. ∫…∆¥…‰M……i®…Eع  §…®§……آ ∫…‰
C. ∫…÷x…“ - ∫…÷x……<« §……i……آ ∫…‰
D. E∆ع`∫l… Eعئ˙¥……x…‰ ∫…‰
3. ∫…∆∂……‰v…x… E‰ع = S…i… ∫……‰{……x… S…⁄x…آ -
A. ¥……C™…{…ئ˙Eع, ∞¸{…{…ئ˙Eع, ∫¥… x…®…{…ئ˙Eع, +…∂…™…{…ئ˙Eع, |……‰ Hع{…ئ˙Eع
B. |……‰ Hع{…ئ˙Eع, ∫¥… x…®…{…ئ˙Eع,∞¸{…{…ئ˙Eع, ¥……C™…{…ئ˙Eع, +…∂…™…{…ئ˙Eع
C. +…∂…™…{…ئ˙Eع, ∞¸{…{…ئ˙Eع, ¥……C™…{…ئ˙Eع, ∫¥… x…®…{…ئ˙Eع, |……‰ Hع{…ئ˙Eع
D. +…∂…™…{…ئ˙Eع, ¥……C™…{…ئ˙Eع, ∞¸{…{…ئ˙Eع, ∫¥… x…{…ئ˙Eع, |……‰ Hع{…ئ˙Eع
4. ¶……ئ˙i…“™… ∫…∆ ¥…v……x… x…‰  Eع∫… ∫……±… ہΩ˛n˘“ ئ˙…V…¶……π…… E‰ع ∞¸{… ®…آ ∫¥…“Eع…ئ˙  Eع™……?
A. =z…“∫… ∫……ث =x…S……∫…
B. =z…“∫… ∫……ث =x…∫…`ˆ
C. =z…“∫… ∫……ث ∫…بi……±…“∫…
D. =z…“∫… ∫……ث Uظ{{…x…
5. <x…®…‰ ∫…‰ BEع ∫…®…Eع…±…“x… Eع ¥…i…… Eع“  ¥…∂…‰π…i…… x…Ω˛” Ωث˛, {…Ω˛S……x…آ-
A.  §…®§……آ E‰ع ∫l……x… {…ئ˙ ∫…{……]ı§…™……x…“
B. +…®… +…n˘®…“ Eع…‰ E‰عxp˘ ®…آ ئ˙J…Eعئ˙ ¥™…¥…∫l…… E‰ع |… i… +…Gع…‰∂…
C. Eع ¥…i…… ®…آ ¥……n˘…آ E‰ع |…¶……¥… ∫…‰ ®…÷ Hع
D. + i…∂…™… Eع±{…x…… Eع…‰ ®…Ω˛i¥…
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Category -II
1. ∫…÷J…n˘®…x…÷E⁄ع±…∆ S… ™…i…¬ i…n¬˘ ...........................*
A. v™……x…®…¬
B. +…∫…x…®…¬
C. |……h……™……®…&
D. ∫…®…… v…&
2. ¶……∫…x……]ıEعS…G‰عπ…÷ +x™…i…®…∆ ¶…¥… i… .....................*
A. + ¶…Y……x…∂……E÷عxi…±…®…¬
B. ¥…‰h…“∫…∆Ω˛…ئ˙®…¬
C. n⁄˘i…¥……C™…®…¬
D. =k…ئ˙ئ˙…®…S… ئ˙i…®…¬
3. ¶……π……§……‰v…x…i…i¥…‰π…÷ ہEع x……xi…¶…«¥… i…?
A. ∫l…⁄±……i…¬ ∫…÷I®…∆ |… i…
B. Y……i……i…¬ +Y……i…∆ |… i…
C. ∫…ئ˙±……i…¬ Eع `x…∆ |… i…
D. ±…‰J…x……i…¬ ¥……S…x…∆ |… i…
4. x…ث™™…… ™…Eع…x……∆ {…\S……¥…™…¥…¥……C™…‰x… ∫…o˘∂…∆ §……‰v…x…i…i¥…®…¬*
A. Ω‰˛§……«]ı“«™…∫……‰{……x…… x…
B. ∫…⁄I®……v™……{…x…®…¬ˆ
C. §…Ω÷˛®…÷J…§…÷ r˘ ∫…r˘…xi…&
D. Y……x… x…أ®… i…¥……n˘&*
5. o˘Œπ]ı¥…ثEع±™…™…÷Hع& Uظ…j…& EعI™……™……®…Œ∫i… S…‰i…¬ §……‰v…x…∫…®…™…‰ +v™……{…E‰عx… ∫¥…“Eعئ˙h…“™…& ®……M…«& Eع&?
A. S……]«¬ı{…j……h……∆ |…n˘∂…«x…®…¬*
B. ∫°ع…‰ئ˙Eع{…j……h……∆ |…n˘∂…«x…®…¬*
C. ∂™……®…°ع±…Eع±…‰J…x…®…¬
D.  ±… J…i…∫™… {…⁄h…«i…™…… =SS……ئ˙h…®…¬*
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Category - II
Which one of the following peculiarities is not
related to 'Vechoor Cow'?
A. Kerala's indegenous cow
B. Low fodder cost
C. Endangered species
D. Tallest cow
'AB' group blood can be donated to
A. 'A' Group only
B. 'B' Group only
C. 'O' Group only
D. 'AB' Group only
The role of Science club is inevitable in Science
Education. Which one of the following will you
disagree with?
A. To develop deep knowledge in class room
science learning
B. To increase scientific interest
C. To understand scientific knowledge
through experiments
D. To develop awareness and concern for
scientific issues in personal, social,
environmental and technological
Xmsg ]d-bp-∂- {]tXy-I-X-I-fn¬ "sh®q¿
]ip'hpambn _‘-an-√mطv GXv?
A. tIc-f-طns‚ X\Xv C\w ]ip.
B. Ipd™ Af-hn-ep≈ Imen-طo-‰-bpsS
C. hwi-\miw kw`-hn-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p∂
D. Dbcw IqSnb ]ip
'AB' {Kq∏v c‡w \¬Im-hp-∂-Xv
A. 'A' Group \v am{Xw
B. 'B' Group \v am{Xw
C. 'O' Group \v am{Xw
D. 'AB' Group \v am{Xw
imkv{X-]-T-\-طn\v imkv{X-¢-∫p-I-fpsS ]¶v
Hgn-hm-°m≥ ]‰m-ط-Xm-Wv. Xmsg sImSp-طn-
cn-°p-∂-h-bn¬ \nكƒ hntbm-Pn-°p-∂Xv GXn-
A. ¢mkv apdn-I-fn¬ \S-°p∂ imkv{X-]-T-
\-طns‚ Bg-طn-ep≈ ]T\w km[y-
B. imkv{X-]-T-\-طn-ep≈ Xm¬]cyw
C. ]co-£-W-ك-fn-eqsS imkv{Xo-b-amb
Adnhv kzmb-ط-am-°p-∂-Xn\v
D. hy‡n-K-X-hpw, kmaq-ly-]-c-hpw, ]cn-ےn-
imkv{Xob {]iv\-ك-fn¬ t_m[-hm-\m-
hp-∂-Xnepw CS-s]-Sp-∂-Xnepw
Page 17
K-TET 2012 - ‘13
Category -II
Displacement - time graph of the an oscillating
particle is given in the figure. Analyse the
figure and choose the correct answer.
A. Frequency = 1 Hz, Period = 2 s,
Amplitude = 4 m
B. Frequency = 2 Hz, Period = ½ s,
Amplitude = 2 m
C. Frequency = ½ Hz, Period = 2 s,
Amplitude = 4 m
D. Frequency = ½ Hz, Period = 2 s,
Amplitude = 2 m
Which of the following can exist as octa
atomic molecules?
(i) Selenium
(iii) Lithium
A. (i) & (ii)
B. (iii) & (iv)
C. (i) & (ii)
D. (i) & (iv)
Iº\w sNّp∂ Hcp IWn-I-bpsS ےm\m-
¥cw ˛ kabw {Km^v BWv Nn{X-طn¬ X∂n-
cn-°p-∂-Xv. Nn{Xw ]cn-tim-[n®v Xmsg X∂n-cn-
°p-∂-h-bn¬ DNn-X-am-bXv Xnc-s™-Sp-°p-I.
A. Bhrطn = 1 Hz, ]ncoUv = 2 s,
BbXn = 4 m
B. Bhrطn = 2 Hz, ]ncoUv = ½ s,
BbXn = 2 m
C. Bhrطn = ½ Hz, ]ncoUv = 2 s,
BbXn = 4 m
D. Bhrطn = ½ Hz, ]ncoUv = 2 s,
BbXn = 2 m
Xmsg∏d-bp-∂-h-bn¬ HIv‰m At‰m-anIv X∑m-
{X-I-fmbn ےnXn sNّm≥ Ign-bp-∂-h-bm-Wv.
(i) skeo-\nbw (ii)
(iii) enYnbw
A. (i) & (ii)
B. (iii) & (iv)
C. (i) & (ii)
D. (i) & (iv)
4 m
1 s
2 s
Page 18
K-TET 2012 - ‘13
Category - II
To decrease the area of a square by 36%, by
what percent of its length should each side be
A. 6
B. 8
C. 80
D. 20
The number x − y is greater than the number
x + y. Which of the following conclusions can
we draw from this?
A. x and y are both positive
B. x and y are both negative
C. x is negative
D. y is negative
Choose the specification from those given
below, with which we cannot draw a triangle
A. AB = 6 cm., AC = 5 cm., ∠ABC = 30°
B. AB = 6 cm., AC = 4 cm., ∠ABC = 30°
C. AB = 6 cm., AC = 3 cm., ∠ABC = 30°
D. AB = 6 cm., AC = 2 cm., ∠ABC = 30°
For answering a particular question, a student
did not use the method suggested by the
teacher. Which of the following should be the
teacher's reaction?
A. Insist that the teacher's method should
be used
B. Rebuke the child for disobedience
C. Praise the child if the method is correct
D. Warn him that such deviations would not
be given credit in an exam
The number sequence 12, 23, 34, 45, ...
A. includes both 100 and 1000
B. includes 100 but not 1000
C. includes 1000 but not 100
D. includes neither 100 nor 1000
Hcp ka-N-Xp-c-طns‚ ]c-∏-fhv 36% Ipd-
bv°m≥, AXns‚ hi-ك-fpsS \ofw F{X
iX-am\w hoXw Ipd-bv°Ww?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 80
D. 20
x − y F∂ kwJy x + y F∂
kwJytb°mƒ IqSp-X-em-Wv. CXn¬ \n∂v,
NphsS sImSp-طn-cn-°p∂ GXp \nK-a-\-طn-
A. x, y Ch c≠pw A[n-kw-Jy-I-fmWv
B. x, y Ch c≠pw \yq\kw-Jy-I-fmWv
C. x \yq\-kw-Jy-bmWv
D. y \yq\-kw-Jy-bmWv
NphsS sImSp-طn-cn-°p∂ GXv Af-hp-Iƒ°-
\p-k-cn-®mWv Hcp {XntImWw hc-bv°m≥
A. AB = 6 cm., AC = 5 cm., ∠ABC = 30°
B. AB = 6 cm., AC = 4 cm., ∠ABC = 30°
C. AB = 6 cm., AC = 3 cm., ∠ABC = 30°
D. AB = 6 cm., AC = 2 cm., ∠ABC = 30°
Hcp tNmZy-طn\v Ip´n Dطcw Fgp-Xn-bXv
A[ym-]nI ]Tn-∏n-®-Xn¬ \n∂p hyXy-kvX-
amb coXn-bn-em-Wv. A[ym-]n-I-bpsS {]Xn-I-
cWw F¥m-bn-cn°Ww?
A. So®؟ ]Tn-∏n® coXn-bn¬ Xs∂ sNّ-
W-sa∂v Bh-iy-s∏Spw
B. A\p-k-c-W-bn-√m-ط-Xn\p iIm-cn°pw
C. Ip´n-bpsS coXn icn-sb-¶n¬ A`n-\-
D. Cطcw thdn´ hgn-Iƒ°v ]co-£-bn¬
am؟°v In´n-s√∂p ]dbpw
12, 23, 34, 45, ... F∂ kwJym-t{i-Wn-bn¬
A. 100 Dw 1000 Dw D≠mIpw
B. 100 D≠v 1000 C√
C. 1000 D≠v 100 C√
D. 100 Dw C√ 1000 Dw C√
Page 19
K-TET 2012 - ‘13
Category -II
Social Science is a common core comprising
history of India's freedom movement,
constitutional obligations, values, democracy,
secularism, equality of sexes, protection of the
environment, small family norms, etc. This is
the viewpoint of
A. Radhakrishnan Commission, 1948 - 49
B. Secondary Education Commission,
1952 - 53
C. Kothari Commission, 1964 - 66
D. National Policy on Education, 1986
Which one of the following is not a merit of
A. Equal distribution of wealth
B. Spirit of tolerance
C. Cliques and groups
D. Mutual co-operation
Total financial outlay of the 12th five year plan
of the Government of India.
A. 98 lakh crore
B. 75 lakh crore
C. 80 lakh crore
D. 92 lakh crore
The type of rainfall common along
mountaineous regions
A. Orographic rain
B. Frontal rain
C. Cyclonic rain
D. Coastal rain
Name the first president of the Travancore
State Congress
A. Pattom Thanupillai
B. K. Kelappan
C. K. Madhavan Nair
D. K. P. Kesava Menon
C¥y-bpsS kzmX-{¥y-k-a-c-N-cn-{Xw, `c-W-L-
S-\m-]-c-amb _m[y-X-Iƒ, aqey-كƒ, P\m-[n-
]-Xyw, aX-\n-c-t]-£-X, enwK-]-c-amb ka-Xzw,
]cn-ےnXn kwc-£-Ww, sNdnb IpSpw_
k¶ev]w XpS-كn-bhsb√mw Dƒt®-cp∂
s]mXp-tI-{µm-i-b-ap≈ H∂mWv kmaq-ly-im-
kv{Xw. Cu ho£Ww apt∂m-p-h-®-Xv.
A. cm[m-Ir-jvW≥ IΩo-j≥, 1948 - 49
B. sk°≥Udn FUyq-t°-j≥ IΩo-j≥,
1952 - 53
C. tImطmcn IΩo-j≥, 1964 - 66
D. tZiob hnZym-`ym-k-\bw, 1986
Xmsg sImSp-طn-cn-°p-∂-h-bn¬ P\m-[n-]-Xy-
طns‚ ta∑ A√m-طXv GXv?
A. kº-طns‚ Xpey-hn-X-cWw
B. kln-jvWpXm at\m-`mhw
C. D]-Pm-]-I-kw-Lhpw {Kq∏p-Ifpw
D. ]c-kv]c kl-I-cWw
tI{µ-k؟°m-cns‚ ]{¥≠mw ]≤-Xn-bpsS
samط AS-¶¬ XpI F{X-bmWv?
A. 98 e£w tImSn
B. 75 e£w tImSn
C. 80 e£w tImSn
D. 92 e£w tImSn
]¿hX{]tZ-i-ك-fn¬ km[m-c-W-amb ag
A. ssie- hrjvSn
B. {^≠¬ hrjvSn
C. N{I-hmX -hrjvSn
D. Xoc-tZi -hrjvSn
Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿ tأ‰v tIm¨{K- ns‚ BZy-
{]-kn-U‚ v
A. ]´w XmWp-]n≈
B. sI. tIf-∏≥
C. sI. am[-h≥\mb¿
D. sI.]n. tIi-h-ta-t\m≥

K-TET KERALA TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST model paper Category I - Paper I (For Classes I to V)

K-TET KERALA TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST model paper Category I - Paper I (For Classes I to V)

K-TET 2012
Category - I
(K-TET) 2012
Government of Kerala
Department of Education
State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)
August 2012

Page 2

Category I - Paper I
(For Classes I to V)
Page 3
Which of the following period is generally
termed as “the period of conflicts” in one’s
developmental stage?
A. Infancy
B. Childhood
C. Adolescence
D. Adulthood
Assume that a student is given a list of
correlated words to study and is asked to recall
the words at a later time. Then according to
Guilford’s Structure of Intellect model, the
content of this test is:
A. Symbolic
B. Behavioural
C. Figural
D. Semantic
In order to help a mentally challenged child in
your class which of the following strategies
would you adopt?
A. Send him to special school
B. Do not give him special attention
C. Provide him with simple, concrete
D. Ask him to change his learning style
hnI-k\ L´-▀-fn¬ am\-knI kwL¿j-▀-
fpsS Ime-L´w F∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂Xv?
A. ssiihw
B. _meyw
C. Iuamcw
D. {]mb-]q┐ěn-L´w
]c-kv]-c-_-‘-ap≈ GXm\pw hm°p-I-fpsS
]´nI \¬In-bn´v Ipd®p ka-b-ěn-\p-tijw
AXv ]p\-kva-cn-°m≥ Hcp Ip´n-tbmSv Bh-
iy-s∏-Sp-∂-Xmbn Icp-Xp-I. Kn¬t^m¿Uns‚
amXrI A\p-k-cn®v CXnse D≈-S°w GXv?
A. knwt_m-fnIv
B. _ntl-hn-b-d¬
C. ^nK-d¬
D. knam‚nIv
_p≤n-am-µy-ap≈ Hcp Ip´nsb klm-bn-°m≥
GXp am┐ž-amWv G‰hpw A\p-tbm-Py-am-bXv?
A. kvs]jy¬ kvIqfn-e-b-bv°pI
B. {]tXyI ]cn-K-W\ sImSp-°m-Xncn-
C. efn-Xhpw ASn- m-\-]-c-hp-amb ]T-
\m-\p-`-h-▀ƒ sImSp-°pI
D. ]T\ coXn-Iƒ hyXymks∏Sp-ěm-\m-
Category I - Paper I (For classes I to V)
Page 4
K-TET 2012
Category - I
A student of your class is being ridiculed by
his classmates because he gives foolish
answers to all questions. What would you do?
A. Stop asking questions to him so that
such situation can be avoided
B. Advice the other students to be
sympathetic and not to ridicule him
C. Inform his parents and advice them
to arrange for providing private
D. Frequently ask very simple questions
to him
A child in your class always tries to attribute
his failure to other children or materials. What
kind of defence mechanism does he use?
A. Rationalization
B. Projection
C. Repression
D. Compensation
hnUvVněw \nd™ Děcw \¬Ip-∂-Xp-
aqew XpS┐«-bmbn kl-]m-Tn-I-fpsS ]cn-lm-
k-ěn\p]m{X-am-Ip∂ Hcp Ip´nsb A[ym-]-
I-s\∂ \ne-bn¬ \n▀ƒ F▀s\ kao-
A. Ah-t\mSv tNmZy-▀ƒ Hgn-hm-°pI
B. Aht\mSv Ipd®p IqSn kl-Xm-
]-těm-Sp-IqSn s]cp-am-dm-≥ a‰p Ip´n-
C. amXm-]n-Xm-°sf Adn-bn®v Ah-\p-
th≠ Syqj≥ sImSp-°m-\m-h-iy-s∏-
D. XpS┐«-bmbn hfsc efn-X-amb tNmZy-
▀ƒ tNmZn-°pI
\n▀-fpsS ¢m nse Hcp Ip´n, kz¥w ]ng-
hp-Iƒ a‰p-≈-h-kvXp-°-fp-sStbm hy‡n-I-fp-
sStbm t]cn¬ Btcm-]n-°p∂p. Cu kam-
tbm-P\ coXnsb F¥p-]-dbmw?
A. bp‡o-I-cWw
B. {]t£-]Ww
C. Za\w
D. tImw]≥tk-j≥
Page 5
K-TET 2012
Category - I
1. Xmsg-∏-d-bp-∂-h-bn¬ IY-I-fn-bp-ambn _‘-s∏-Smě ssien sXc-s™-Sp-°pI
A. tIfn-sIm´v
B. Xnc-t\m´w
C. Iem-i-s°m´v
D. Ac-▀p-X-I┐ěpI
2. "B\-«ąw' F∂-Xp-sIm-≠┐Y-am-°p-∂-sX¥v?
A. BsI-°q-Sn-bp≈ `wKn
B. B\-bpsS N¥w
C. AXym-[n-I-amb `wKn
D. A`wKn
3. thdn--cq]w sXc-s™-Sp-°pI
A. A°-║≥
B. j¨ap-J≥
C. {Xna-[pcw
D. \mev]m-acw
4. Hcp t_m[\ am[y-a-ambn IY-Isf D]-tbm-Kn-®p-h-∂-Xn\v Hcp DZm-l-c-W-am-Wv.
A. Ncn-{X-I-Y-Iƒ
B. ]©-X{¥w IY-Iƒ
C. apě-»n-°-Y-Iƒ
D. \mtSm-Sn-°-Y-Iƒ
5. Xmsg-∏-d-bp-∂-h-bn¬ tIc-fo-b-a-√mě \mS≥ Iem-cq]w GXv?
A. k┐∏w Xp≈Č
B. tImew Xp≈Č
C. Xpºn Xp≈Č
D. b£-Km\w
˙Ro-Ăp SpX U▀l-˘Ti ˘Tflm U┘Q-Yu Yœl-©p Y┘úl-◊l T´t£ A∞d-L-p
S”e-°-]┘u. AY-]’ CV-X┘-U-Vl ˙T┘dL B£--Vo ˘NnV ˙Yi-•-V-’.
A. R≤-V┘L A˚Zj-’l ˙T—-Rp
B. U┘Q-Yo-Ls  u-≤-X-p Fd-œ-Ăj-Rp
C. œ”m-Tf „Z˚X A±-Rp
D. ˙U¤m Y┘údL ˚Yd-L┘-Up AU-Wf ˘Nn-Rp
2. "╚˙Y┘” ˙NokR S┘⁄m UQm ˘Tflm' G‡m TZ-˘U┘-ě˚Vd ∏r Y⁄m Gk-Rd L⁄j’Pu EY-
™j-’d Lt-©l-T┘n?
A. ·h-”d œ”m-T-U┘n Y┘r-Rp
B. Jtfl˚U EQo‹ E⁄-Y┘-Rp
C. Sp J›d-Lj-’-Pu Y[oj-Rp
D. SpX Si-To-L-fi-Pu ˙Nok’ TZ-œ-Rp
Page 6
K-TET 2012
Category - I
3. L┘l-©-Vm Gu-T’
A. Ru-≤-L-pX┘ R˚X-Y-]-˙V┘, ˘RnYj-R˙V┘ T┘”-Y’
B. T┘UW Ud-L-[l T┘”-Y’
C. ˙T┘Ęp ˘Yt± ˘Tt\ Uu-]-]l T┘”-Y’
D. Ys-[p-L-[l T┘”-Y’
4. ∏rd-L┘-‘m ˘N┘t-˘\┘-Po-L-∞p Jufl CWh-Pd °[Ă ApX.
5. ""S┘U┘od-œm œ•-Vp-˙X┘m SU˚] Ag-˙N┘m'' Gufl T┘•-V-Yo
A. ▀⁄-S┘-‹d-L-W-No
B. —k-R-Wo
C. U┘Âd-L-Y┘-N-Lo
D. T┘W-▀-V┘o
Page 7
K-TET 2012
Category - I
Page 8
K-TET 2012
Category - I
Questions 1 -4
Read the passages given below and fill up the blanks using the best alternatives from
those given below. Each question carries one mark:
Mr. Ramaswami is a very strict man. He ....(1).... that life is meant only for work and it is foolish to waste
one’s time or money. He is not a poor man (he earns nearly ten thousand rupees a month), but he wants
his children to lead simple lives. His wife ....(2).... dead and his eldest daughter, Meena, keeps the house.
She has seven brothers and sisters. The children get up at 4.30 every morning. They read their lessons
from 5am to 8 am while Meena prepares breakfast. She gives only one dosa and a little chutney to each
child. The children walk to school. They do not wear shoes. They carry some rice and ....(3).... sambar
in a tiffin-box to school and eat their lunch under a tree. They return home at 4 in the evening. Srinivas,
Mr. Ramaswami’s eldest son, goes to market to buy vegetables. The children read their lessons again
from. 5.30pm to 8.30 pm. Then they have dinner and go to bed. They ....(4)... go to the cinema or to a
1. A . believed
B. had believed
C. believes
D. is believing
2. B . has
B. is
C. are
D. had
3. C . many
B. a little
C. much
D. some
4. D . never
B. always
C. hardly
D. scarcely
Questions 5 -8
Read the following passage and answer the Questions
Biological Rabbit
Rabbits are eaten in most European countries; and some of the early settlers in Australia introduced
rabbits into that country as meat was hard to obtain. The European rabbit has many natural enemies
which prevent the rabbit population from growing, but in Australia it had no such enemies. Rabbits breed
very easily, with the result that very soon their numbers in Australia became enormous. They caused a
great deal of damage by making holes in the ground to live in and eating up the grass and other plants
which were needed to feed the sheep and other cattle that were a great source of wealth to Australia.
Scientists discovered that a disease called myxomatosis was fatal to rabbits and to no other animals. They
also found out that it was possible to spread the disease by infecting a few other animals and letting them
loose in places where rabbits were enormous. It was also discovered that a certain type of mosquito could
carry the disease and the infection could be spread by means of mosquitoes. So it happened that while
other countries tried to destroy mosquitoes, Australia encouraged these species. By these means,
myxomatosis was spread rapidly all over the country and the rabbit population was greatly reduced.
5. Rabbits were introduced in Australia because.....
A. the European rabbit had many natural enemies
B. the people in Australia wanted rabbits as pets.
C. meat was not available then.
Page 9
K-TET 2012
Category - I
D. it was hard to obtain rabbits.
6. Which statement is a correct one?
A. Myxomatosis affects all animals.
B. Myxomatosis is transmitted by mosquitoes.
C. Myxomatosis kills mosquitoes.
D. Myxomatosis is found only in mosquitoes.
7. Australia encouraged mosquitoes while other countries tried to destory them. Why?
A. Mosquitoes are harmless.
B. Australians like mosquitoes.
C. Mosquitoes prevent the rabbit population indirectly.
D. Australians are environmentalists.
8. The word “bring in” used in the above passage means:
A. insist
B. instill
C. inaugurate
D. introduce
Page 10
K-TET 2012
Category - I
Page 11
K-TET 2012
Category - I
During the commemoration of August 6 in
your school, importance should be given to
A. Environmental protection
B. Anti-war attitude
C. Significance of cleanliness
D. History of struggle for independence
As a teacher, what activities will you suggest
to enable a child to identify the polluted
condition of water resource.
A. Project
B. Interview with experts
C. Conduct seminar
D. Utilise libraries
Which of the following principle is involved in
the balancing of hammer as shown in the figure
A. Principle of Floatation
B. Archimedes Principle
C. Laws of Motion
D. Principle of Levers
Select the correct one from the given table.
Food Items Major nutritive component
A. Carbohydrate
Leafy vegetables B. Protein
C. Fat
D. Vitamins, Minerals
BK├v 6 F∂ Zn\w Xm¶-fpsS hnZym-e-b-
ěn¬ Zn\m-N-c-W-ambn \S-ěp-tºmƒ GXn-
\mWv {]m[m\yw \¬tI-≠Xv?
A. ]cn- nXn kwc-£Ww
B. bp≤ěns‚ `oI-c-X, bp≤-hn-cp≤ at\m-
C. ipNn-Xz-t_m-[-hpw, ipNn-Xz-{]-h┐ě-\-
D. kzmX-{¥y ka-c-N-cn{Xw
cmap-hns‚ {]tZ-isě Pe-t{km-X- p-I-fpsS
aen-\o-I-cWw Is≠-ěm≥ A[ym-]-I-\mb
Xmƒ \¬Ip∂ \n¿tZ-i-sa-¥m-bn-cn°pw?
A. t{]mP-IvSn¬ G¿s∏-S¬
B. hnZ-Kv[-cp-ambn A`n-apJw \S-ěČ
C. skan-\m¿ kwL-Sn-∏n-░Č
D. sse{_dn {]tbm-P-\-s∏-Sp-ěČ
Np‰nI Cu \ne-bn¬ Xpe\w sN°p-∂Xv GXv
A. πh-\-XXzw
B. B┐░n-an-Unkv XXzw
C. Ne-\-\n-baw
D. Dtěm-e-I-XXzw
NphsS sImSp-ěn-cn-°p∂ ]´n-I-bn¬ icn-bm-
bXv GXmWv?
{][m-\-t]m-jI LSIw
A. [m\yIw
B. amwkyw
C. sImgp∏v
D. Poh-I-ߟ,[mXp-e-h-W-ߟ
Page 12
K-TET 2012
Category - I
Which one is the correct food chain?
A. Grass → Grasshopper → Frog →
Snake → Eagle
Frog → Snake → Eagle →
Grasshopper → Frog → Grass →
D. Frog → Snake → Eagle →
icn-bmb Bhm-k-hy-h  GXmWv?
]p√v → ]pČ«mSn → Xhf → ]mºv
→ ]cp¥v
Xhf → ]mºv → ]cp¥v → ]pČ«mSn
]pČ«mSn → Xhf → ]p√v
→ ]mºv
Xhf → ]mºv → ]cp¥v → ]pČ«mSn
Which method given below for acquiring the
concept of multiplication does not conform
to the approach to mathematics learning
A. Rote learning of multiplication table
B. Repeated addition
C. Applying in new situation
D. Solving practical problems.
A bus starts at 2 : 40 in the morning from
Trivandrum and reaches Kannur at 4 : 05 in
the evening. The time taken for the journey
A. 13 hours 25 minutes
B. 12 hours 25 minutes
C. 13 hours 15 minutes
D. 12 hours 15 minutes
Which of the following concepts is not a
correct interpretation of
A. three one fourths
B. three of the four equal parts into which
1 is divided
C. dividing 3 into 4 equal parts
D. four one-thirds
XmsgsImSpěXn¬ GXv coXnbmWv
KpW\hkvXpX kzmběam°p∂Xn¬
A. KpW\∏┤nI Dcphn´p
B. Bh┐ě\ k¶e\ěneqsS
C. ]pXnb kÁ┐`▀fn¬
D. {]mtbmKnI {]iv\ߟ
\n¿[mcWw sN°p∂Xv
cmhnse 2:40 \v Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cěp\n∂v
]pd-s∏-Sp∂ Hcp _kv sshIp-t∂cw
4:05 \v IĂqcnseěp∂p. bm{Xbv-s°-Spě
kabw F{X?
A. 13 aWn-°q¿ 25 an\n-‰v
B. 12 aWn-°q¿ 25 an\n-‰v
C. 13 aWn-°q¿ 15 an\n-‰v
D. 12 aWn-°q¿ 15 an\n-‰v
F∂ `n∂kwJy AhXcn∏n
°ptºmƒ Xmsg ]dbp∂hbn¬ GXv
BibamWv icnb√měXv?
A. 3, \mensem∂pIƒ tN┐∂Xv
B. H∂ns\ \mep Xpey`mK▀fm°nb-
Xn¬ aq∂p`mKw
C. aq∂ns\ \mep Xpey`mK▀fm°p-
tºmƒ In´p∂Xv
D. 4, aq∂nsem∂pIƒ tN┐∂Xv
Page 13
K-TET 2012
Category - I
Which of the following paper strips gives a
cube on folding?
If all the numbers in the operation
5 × 3 × 2 are doubled, then how many times
the original would be the new product?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
Xmsg sImSpěncn°p∂Xn¬ GXv t]∏┐
kv{Sn∏v aS°nbmemWv Hcp Iyq_v e`n°pI?
5 × 3 × 2 F∂ {Inbbnse F√m -kw-Jy-
Ifpw Cc-n-bm-°n-bm¬ Děcw F{X
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8



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Syllabus - Category IV
(K-TET) 2012
State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)
August 2012
Category IV
[For Language Teachers in Arabic, Urdu, Sanskrit, Hindi
(Up to Upper Primary Level),
Specialist Teachers & Physical Education Teachers]
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Category IV
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This section has two parts. First part (50 MCQs) intents to text comprehension, Inference , Verbal ability,
Applied grammar and Understanding of history of classical and modern Arabic literature. The second
part (30 MCQs) tests the awareness of pedagogy of language learning and development. Each MCQ
carries one mark.
Part One

Arabic language¡V its history, characteristics, literature and its importance - Classical and Modern:
General overview (10 Marks)

Influence of Holly Quran and Hadith Shareef in Arabic literature. (5 Marks)

Comprehension based on one unseen passage and poem lines (10 Marks)

Applied Grammar, Rhetoric and Prosody (15 Marks)

Arabic Text books and Hand books from STD 1 to STD 8 of state schools of Kerala (10 Marks)
Part Two

Language learning and acquisition

Basic language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing

Communication skills

Methods of Teaching Arabic - Traditional and modern

Teaching of grammar - modern view on the role of grammar

Teaching languages in diverse class rooms, differently abled children: Problems and Challenges

Teaching, learning materials, text books, hand books, and Multimedia

Evaluation: CCE, Terminal Evaluation

Lesson planning - its important and modalities
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Syllabus - Category IV
ÀΩ˛n˘“ {……`ˆ¨GÚ®…
¶……π…… EÚ…  ∂…I…h…∂……∫j… (Pedagogy of Language development)
¶……π……V…«x… |… GÚ™…… - ¶……π…… EÚ… x…™…… {… Æ˙|…‰I™… - ∫…Ër˘…∆ i…EÚ +…v……Æ˙* - ∫…¥…«¶……π…… ¥™……EÚÆ˙h… (Universal Grammar) -
∫……®…… V…EÚ Y……x…  x…î… i…¥……n˘ (Social Constructivism) - §…Ω÷˛®…÷J…“ §…÷ r˘  ∫…r˘…∆i… (Theory of Multiple Inteligence)
|……‰ HÚ{…Æ˙EÚ  ∂…I…h… ∂……∫j… - EÚl……x…EÚ EÚ… ®…Ω˛i¥…*
+…J™……x… BEÚ ∂…ËI… h…EÚ ={…EÚÆ˙h… E‰Ú ∞¸{… ®… - ∫…®…‰ EÚi… n˘I…i…… - +l…«O…Ω˛h… EËÚ∫…‰ ∫…÷ x…Œ∂S…i… EÚÆÂ˙?
∫…∆∂……‰v…x… |… GÚ™…… - ∫¥… x…v……«Æ˙h…
+x™… ¶……π…… EÚ“ EÚI…… ®…Â ®……i…fi¶……π…… EÚ“ ¶…⁄ ®…EÚ…*
¥……S…x…, ±…‰J…… -  S…j…“™… §……S…x… +…ËÆ˙ ±…‰J…x…, V…Ë ¥…EÚ ¥……S…x…, V…Ë ¥…EÚ ±…‰J…x…*
+v™…‰i…… +…ËÆ˙ {……`ˆ¨ - ∫……®…O…“ M… i… ¥… v… EÚ… ∫…∆§…∆v… - ¶……π……V…«x… +…ËÆ˙ ¶……π…… E‰Ú §……Ɖ˙ ®… +v™…™…x… - ∂…ËI… h…EÚ ={…EÚÆ˙h… -
 ¥…∂±…‰π…h……i®…EÚ |…∂x…*
+…∆EÚx… +…ËÆ˙ ®…⁄±™……∆EÚx…*
¶……π……  ∂…I…h… EÚ“ S…÷x……Ë i…™……ƒ*
EÚI…… ¥……i……¥…Æ˙h…
 ∂…I…h… ∫……®… O…™……ƒ - i…EÚx…“EÚ“ EÚ… ={…™……‰M…*
¶……π……<« EÚ…Ë∂…±… - ∏…¥…h…, ¶……π…h…, ¥……S…x…, ±…‰J…x… - +…∂…™…O…Ω˛h… - ∫…fiV…x……i®…EÚi……*
 ¥…∂…‰π… ®…n˘n˘ S……Ω˛x…‰¥……±…‰ UÙ…j…… (Children with special needs) EÚ…‰Ú +v™…™…x… - ∫…∆™……‰ V…i… +v™…™…x… (Inclusive Education)
 ¥…π…™… (CONTENT)
ÀΩ˛n˘“ ¶……π…… +…ËÆ˙  ±… {…
1. ÀΩ˛n˘“ EÚ“ |…®…÷J… §……‰ ±…™……ƒ- •…V…, +¥…v…“, J…c˜“§……‰±…“
2. n‰˘¥…x……M…Æ˙“  ±…{…“
ÀΩ˛n˘“ ∫…… Ω˛i™… EÚ… < i…Ω˛…∫…
3. ¥…“Æ˙M……l…… EÚ…±… - S…∆n˘§…Æ˙n˘…<«-{…fil¥…“Æ˙…V… Æ˙…∫……‰
4. ¶… HÚEÚ…±… -  x…M…÷«h… EÚ…¥™…v……Æ˙…- EÚ§…“Æ˙n˘…∫…
5. ∫…M…÷h… EÚ…¥™…v……Æ˙…-∫…⁄Æ˙n˘…∫… +…ËÆ˙ i…÷±…∫…“n˘…∫… EÚ“ |…®…÷J… Æ˙S…x……Bƒ
6. Æ˙“˙ i…EÚ…±…-  §…Ω˛…Æ˙“±……±…
7. n¬˘ ¥…¥…‰n˘“ ™…÷M…-+™……‰v™……À∫…Ω˛ ={……v™……™… Ω˛ Æ˙+…Ëv… - |…™… |…¥……∫…
®…Ë l…±…“ ∂…Æ˙h… M…÷{i… - {…∆S…¥…]ı“
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8. UÙ…™……¥……n˘
V…™…∂…∆EÚÆ˙ |…∫……n˘ - +…ƒ∫…⁄
∫…÷ ®…j……x…∆n˘x… {…∆i… - |…l…®… Æ˙Œ∂®…
∫…⁄™…«EÚ…∆i…  j…{……`“  x…Æ˙…±…… - V…÷Ω˛“ EÚ“ EÚ±…“
®…Ω˛…n‰˘¥…“ ¥…®……« - ®…‰Æ‰˙ n˘“{…EÚ
9. |…M… i…¥……n˘ - x……M……V…÷«x…-EÚ… ±…n˘…∫…
10. |…™……‰M…¥……n˘ - +Y…‰™… -x…n˘“ E‰Ú n¬˘¥…“{…
11. ∫…®…EÚ…±…“x… EÚ ¥…i……
E÷Ú®……Æ˙ +∆§…÷V…- BEÚ +…n˘®…“ V…∆M…±… ®…Â
12. x……]ıEÚ : V…™…∂…∆EÚÆ˙ |…∫……n˘- ∫E∆Ún˘M…÷{i…
®……‰Ω˛x… Æ˙…E‰Ú∂…- +…π……g¯ EÚ… BEÚ  n˘x…
13. ={…x™……∫… : |…‰®…S…∆n˘ -  x…®…«±……
®…z…÷ ¶…∆b˜…Æ˙“ - +…{… EÚ… §…∆]ı“
14.EÚΩ˛…x…“ : |…‰®…S…∆n˘-{…⁄∫… EÚ“ Æ˙…i…
™…∂…{……±…- n÷˘:J…
=π……  |…™…∆¥…n˘…- ¥……{…∫…“
15. Ɖ˙J…… S…j… : - ®…Ω˛…n‰˘¥…“ ¥…®……« -  M…±±…÷
16. +…i®…EÚl…… : Ω˛ Æ˙¥…∆∂…Æ˙…™… §…SS…x… EÚ“ +…i®…EÚl……
|…™……‰V…x…®…⁄±…EÚ ÀΩ˛n˘“
17. Æ˙…π]≈ı¶……π…… +…ËÆ˙ Æ˙…V…¶……π……
18. {…… Æ˙¶…… π…EÚ ∂…§n˘…¥…±…“
19. ¥…h…«- ¥…S……Æ˙
20. ∫…∆Y……
21. ∫…¥…«x……®…
22.  ¥…∂…‰π…h…
23.  GÚ™……
24. EÚ…Æ˙EÚ
25. ={…∫…M…«, |…i™…™…
26. ¥……S™…
®…÷Ω˛…¥…Ɖ˙ B¥…∆ ±……‰EÚ…‰ HÚ™……ƒ
27. ®…÷Ω˛…¥…Æ˙…
28. ±……‰EÚ…‰ HÚ
1. Hindi Text Books and hand books : std. V to XII
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Syllabus - Category IV
A.  ∂…I……∂……∫j……¥…M…®…&* §…Ω÷˛ ¥…EÚ±{…®……i…fiEÚ…|…∂x……&
(+) ¶……π……¥…M…®…&*
EÚ… x……®… ¶……π……* ¶……π……M……‰j…… h…* ¶……π……∫…÷ ∫…∆∫EfiÚi…∫™… ∫l……x…®…¬* ∏…¥…h… - ¶……π…h… - ¥……S…x… ±…‰J…x… - x…Ë{…÷h™…&* ¶……π……v…®……«&
- O…Ω˛h…®…¬ - |…EÚ]ıx…®…¬ - +…∫¥……n˘x…®…¬* ∫…∆∫EfiÚi…{…`x…∫™……‰q‰˘∂™…… x…*
(+…) ¶……π……§……‰v…x…i…i¥…… x…*
§……‰v…x… ¥… v…∫…⁄j…… h… (Maxims of Language Teaching)
(<) ∫…∆∫EfiÚi…  ∂…I…h… ¥…v…™…& (Methods of teaching Sanskrit)
M…÷Ø˚E÷Ú±… - ¶…hb˜…E«ÚƬ˙ - {……`√{…÷∫i…EÚ - ∫…®…x¥…™… {…r˘i…™…&* M…t ∂…I…h…®…¬* {…t ∂…I…h…®…¬* ¥™……EÚÆ˙h… ∂…I…h…®…¬* x……]ıEÚ ∂…I…h…®…¬*
Æ˙S…x…… ∂…I…h…®…¬*
(<«) ¶……π……{…`x…∫…®…÷{…M…®…&* (Approaches of Language learning)
¥™…¥…Ω˛…Æ˙¥……n˘&* Y……x… x…î… i…¥……n˘&* ∫…®…∫™…… v…Œπ`î… {…`x…®…¬*  ¥…®…∂…«x……i®…EÚ {…`x…®…¬* §…Ω÷˛®…÷J…§…÷ r˘ ∫…r˘…xi…&*
(=) ∫…R¬ÛEÚ ±…i…  ∂…I……*
(>) ®…⁄±™… x…h…«™…&*
∫……®|…n˘… ™…EÚ®…⁄±™… x…h…«™…&*  x…Æ˙xi…Æ˙®…⁄±™… x…h…«™…&* ∫¥…™…∆®…⁄±™… x…h…«™…&* {…Æ˙∫{…Æ˙®…⁄±™… x…h…«™…&* ¥……Ãπ…EÚ®…⁄±™… x…h…«™…&* ∏…‰h…“EÚÆ˙h…®…¬
Ref : 1. ∫…∆∫EfiÚi……v™……{…x…∫™… x…⁄i…x…|… ¥…v…™…& by CHLN SARMA & Fatheh Singh
2. ∫…∆∫EfiÚi……v™……{…x…®…¬ by Dr. Sahadeven
B.  ¥…π…™…&* (Content) §…Ω÷˛ ¥…EÚ±{…®……i…fiEÚ…|…∂x……&
+o˘π]∆ı M…t¶……M…∆/x……]ıE∆Ú {… `… i…n¬˘M…i… - |…∂x……x……®…÷÷k…Æ˙…h……®…R¬ÛEÚx…®…¬* §…Ω÷˛ ¥…EÚ±{…®……i…fiEÚ…|…∂x……&
+o˘π]∆ı ∂±……‰E∆Ú/∫…÷¶…… π…i…∆ {… `… i…n¬˘M…i… - |…∂x……x……®…÷÷k…Æ˙…h……®…R¬ÛEÚx…®…¬* §…Ω÷˛ ¥…EÚ±{…®……i…fiEÚ…|…∂x……&
∫…∆∫EfiÚi…∂……∫j…∆ ∫…∆∫EfiÚi… ∫…… Ω˛i™…®…¬ S… (15) E‰ÚÆ˙±…“™… ∫…∆∫EfiÚi…EfiÚi…™…& (3) +…x…÷EÚ… ±…EÚ ¥…π…™……& (2)
+…Ω˛i™… 20 §…Ω÷˛ ¥…EÚ±{…®……i…fiEÚ… |…∂x……&
v……i…÷{…n˘±…EÚ…Æ˙{…÷Ø˚π…¥…S…x…… x… (2)
+xi… ±…R¬ÛM… ¥…¶… HÚ¥…S…x…… x… (2)
∫…Œxv…& (5)
EÚ…Æ˙EÚ®…¬ (5)
∫…®……∫…& (2)
|…™……‰M…& (2)
∫…∆Y……|…EÚÆ˙h…®…¬ (2)
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Syllabus - Category IV
+…Ω˛i™… 20 §…Ω÷˛ ¥…EÚ±{…®……i…fiEÚ…|…∂x……&
+x…÷|……∫…&, ™…®…EÚ®…¬, ∂±…‰π…&, EÚ…¥™… ±…R¬ÛM…®…¬, ={…®……, ∞¸{…EÚ®…¬, =i|…‰I……, n˘“{…EÚ®…¬, +l……«xi…Æ˙x™……∫…&, =±±…‰J…&*
+…Ωi™… 5 §…Ω÷˛ ¥…EÚ±{…®……i…fiEÚ…|…∂x……&
¥…h……«x……∆ M…÷÷Ø˚±…P…÷ ¥…¥…‰S…x…∆ M…h… x…h…«™…\S…* +x…÷π]÷ı{…¬, <xp˘¥…X……, Æ˙l……‰r˘i…… {…⁄Œπ{…i……O……, ={…V…… i…&, ¥…∆∂…∫l…®…¬ ª…Mv…Æ˙…,
®…… ±…x…“, ¥…∫…xi… i…±…EÚ…, ∂……n⁄«˘˘±… ¥… GÚ b˜ıi…®…¬* +…Ω˛i™… 5 §…Ω÷˛ ¥…EÚ±{…®……i…fiEÚ…|…∂x……&*
Ref : 1. SCERT u˘…Æ˙…  x…Ãn˘π]ı… x… {…\S…®…“i…& u˘…n∂…˘EÚI™……{…™…«xi…… x… {……`{…÷∫i…EÚ… x… Ω˛∫i…{…÷∫i…EÚ… x… S…* (∫…∆∫EfiÚi… ¥…t…±…™……x……∆
+CEÚ…n˘ ®…EÚ  ¥…t…±…™……x……∆ S…)
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Syllabus - Category IV
I. Foundation, Philosophy and History of Physical Education
a) Definition, aims and objectives of Physical Education - Scope and nature of Physical Education-
Modern concept of Physical Education and its inter-disciplinary approach- Sports Sciences including
Sports Medicine, Biomechanics, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, Sports Psychology.
b) Biological Principles - Biological basis of life, Growth and development, Biped position, Individual
differences- Heredity and environment- Sex differences- Body types- Anatomical age- Physiological
age- Chronological age and mental age.
c) Philosophical Principles: Philosophy- meaning and nature- Educational philosophy applied to Physical
Education - Naturalism, idealism, pragmatism, realism, existentialism- Contribution of following
educational philosophers- Rousseau, Froebel, Dewey, Gandhiji and Tagore.
d) History: Physical Education in ancient Greece, Rome - Physical Education in ancient India- Vedic
period and epic period- National Sports Awards- SAI, NSNIS, NYK, PYKKA, TPFP- Ancient and
modern Olympics games, Asian games, Common wealth games and SAF games, Youth Olympic
Games (YOG).
II. Management of Physical Education and Sports
Meaning, Importance and scope of management - Principles and guidelines of management- Skills of
management- Management structure for Physical Education and Sports programmes (SAI, SGFI,
KSSC,IOA) - Facility management- Playfield preparation, layout and maintenance - Purchase, Care,
maintenance and repair of equipment- Planning and budgeting - Storekeeping- Stock register- Stock
III. Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology and Biomechanics
a) Cell, Tissue, organ and system, cell divisions - Structure and functions of blood- Classifications and
functions of bones- Structural and functional classification of muscles- Cardiac and smooth muscles-
Definition and classification of joints.
b) Physiology: Digestion, absorption and transportation of nutrients, Organs associated with excretion
and their functions- Structure of neuron- Functions of important parts of nervous system (brain and
spinal cord)- Secretions and functions of endocrine glands (Pituitary and thyroid)- Functions of
sense organs (skin, eye, nose, tongue and ear)- Cardiac output - Stroke volume - Heart rate- Venous
Return - Blood pressure - Vital capacity - Tidal volume - VO2max -BMI-BMR- Aerobic and
anaerobic activities- Oxygen debt- Second wind.
c) Kinesiology and Biomechanics: Definitions and role of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in Physical
Education and Sports- Fundamental and anatomical positions- Orientation of planes and axes of
motion- Fundamental joint movements and related muscles- Types of muscular contraction- Definition
and brief explanation of following terms: mass, weight, force, motion and its types, equilibrium,
friction and momentum, levers and its types, anatomical levers, Newton's laws of motion, speed,
velocity, acceleration, spin, water buoyancy, centrifugal and centripetal force, work, power and energy,
centre of gravity, pressure, moment of force, moment of inertia, projectiles, momentum and impulse,
impact and elasticity, air resistance and water resistance.
IV. Psychology and Sociology
a) Psychology: Definition and nature of Psychology- Branches of Psychology-Educational and Sports
psychology- Methods of Psychology- Learning- Definition, types and nature of learning- Laws of
learning- Transfer of learning- Motivation- Personality- Personality and sports performance-
Competition anxiety and its causes and ways to overcome competitive anxiety.
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b) Sociology: Nature and scope of sociology- Socialization- Social stratification- Social control- Groups,
crowds and public- Values of sports in society- Sports and mass media- Sports and politics- Role of
sports in national integration and world peace.
V. Health Education, First-Aid, Corrective and Adapted Physical Education
a) Health Education: Definitions, determinants and spectrum of health, Communicable diseases- disease
cycle, method of disease transmission- immunity- concept of hygiene- community health- Nutrition-
Classification of foods- Proximate principles - important sources and functions of vitamins and
minerals- Balanced diet- Under nutrition- Malnutrition- Lifestyle diseases: Type II diabetics,
Hypertension, osteoporosis, obesity, heart diseases.
b) First-Aid: Definition, Principles of first-aid- Wounds, types and its management- Common sports
injuries and its management- CPR- RICE- ABC of first-aid- First-aid for burns, scalds, animal bite,
snake bite, heat stroke, drowning- Electric shock- Safety at home- safety at school- Safety at sports
and Physical Education.
c) Corrective Physical Education: Definition and concept of posture- disadvantages and causes of bad
posture- Types of postural deviations and its causes- Khyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis, knock-knees,
bow-legs, flat foot- Massage and its classifications- Principles of prevention of injuries- treatment of
postural deviation through corrective excercises.
d) Adapted Physical Education: Definition of disabling conditions - Desigining Physical Education
programmes for differently abled students - Benefits of Physical Education for students with disabilities
- Recreational sports opportunities- Competition opportunities: Paralympics - Classification of disability:
Physical disabilities, Mental retardation, Visual impairment, Hearing impairment , Behavioral disorders,
Characteristics and functional limitations of the above disabilities
VI. Teaching Methodology in Physical Education
Definitions and Functions of Education - Types of Education- Formal, Informal and Non-formal education
- Principles of teaching - Teaching Methods in Physical education: Lecture Method, Command Method
, Demonstration Method, Imitation Method, Project Method, Discussion Method, Group Directed Practice
Method, Dramatisation, At Will Method, Set Drill Method , Whole Method, Part Method, Whole-Part-
Whole Method, Stage-Whole Method- Presentation Techniques : Meaning Importance and step involved
in presentation, Preparation-Personal and Technical, Command-Its types, command used in different
situations, Formation-Its types, and situations for using different formations, Class Management-Meaning
and Principles, Practice Teaching, Micro Teaching- Educational Technologies: Importance of teaching
aids, Criteria in selecting teaching aids, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Physical
Education. Lesson Planning: Meaning and objectives of Lesson Plan, Principles of Lesson Plan, Types
and parts of lesson plan - Tournaments: Types of Tournaments, Types of fixtures, Organisation of
tournaments, Event Management. - Intramurals: Objectives of intramural, Organisation of Intramural
competitions, Annual sports day - Extramurals: Objectives of extramural competitions.
VII. Test & Measurements in Physical Education & Sports
a) Meaning of the terms: test, measurement and evaluation- -Need and importance of test, measurement
and evaluation in physical Education- Criteria in the selection of test - Scientific Authenticity, Validity,
Reliability , Objectivity, Norms , Administrative feasibility, Educational applications - Administration
of a testing programme- Duties before, during and after testing- Measurement of Cardio respiratory
function - Cooper's 12 minute Run/Walk test, Harvard's step test and its modifications -Measurement
of motor fitness- AAHPER physical fitness test battery, JCR test- Measurement of general motor
ability- Barrow motor ability test (Men), Scott Motor ability test (Women), Mc Cloys' general motor
ability test- Measurement of Strength -Kraus-Weber minimum muscular fitness test, Roger's physical
fitness index.
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Sport Skill Tests: Basketball: Johnson's basketball test, Knox basketball test - Football: AAHPER
football test, McDonald Soccer test- Volleyball: Brady volleyball test, AAHPER volleyball test -
Badminton: Lockhart and McPherson's test, French short-serve test - Tennis: Broer Miller test,
Dyer's test- Hockey: Friedel field hockey test- Frank-Tyson's Cricket skill tests.
b) Anthropometry: Girth measurements - Width measurements -Height and weight readings - Skinfold
measurements -Body composition and indices.
c) Statistics: Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median and Mode)- Measures of Variability (
Range, Quartile Deviation and Standard Deviation).
d) Rules and measurements of selected games: Track & Field- Basketball- Football- Volleyball- Hockey-
Cricket- Shuttle Badminton-Table Tennis- Handball- Kho-Kho- Kabaddi-Swimming.
VIII. General Theory and Methods of Training
a) Definitions of conditioning, training, coaching and sports training- Objectives and principles of sports
training- Training load- Load adaptation process, super compensation, overload- signs and symptoms
of overload, remedial measures and methods of overcoming overload.
b) Physical Fitness: Definition of physical fitness, health-related physical fitness - skill/performance
related physical fitness - components of physical fitness.
c) Strength: Definition of strength - Types of strength - Factors determining strength - Methods of
strength training - Endurance : Definition of endurance - Classification of endurance - Factors
determining endurance - Methods of endurance training- Basic methods of conditioning- continuous
method, interval method, repetition method- Speed: Definition of speed - Types of speed abilities -
Factors determining speed - Methods of developing speed abilities- Speed barrier - Flexibility: Definition
of flexibility - Types of flexibility- Factors determining flexibility- Methods of flexibility training-
Coordinative abilities: Definition of coordinative abilities- Importance of coordinative abilities- Types
of coordinative abilities- Methods to develop coordinative abilities
d) Technical training: Definition of technique - Importance of technique- Process of technique learning
(phases of skill acquisition) - Methods of technique training- - Concept tactics and strategy- Periodical
cycles (micro, meso and macro cycles) - Principles of Planning- Periodisation- Definition of
periodisation , Importance of periodisation, Types of periodisation.
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Syllabus - Category IV
6. Drawing
To develop an awareness of the basic principles of art in students so that they can articulate in Visual
Basic Elements
Picture plane, Picture frame, line, shape, texture, Pigments, Various Media and materials, colour theory,
composition, characteristics of space, volume, dimensions, Geometrical space, perceptual space, conceptual
space, Space volume as medium of experience and expression in sculpture and perspective principles.
Principles of Basic Elements
Proportion, balance, harmony, Rhythm unity of form and composition. Art and its primitive beginnings,
prehistoric cave paintings of Europe and India.
History of Indian Art
Indus valley civilization and its sculptures and monuments. Mauryan Art:--Buddhists Stupas and pillars-
Evolution of Buddha image-Ajanta paintings. Gupta architecture and sculpture. Post-Gupta period-
Medieval Hindu Temples, Chola, Pandya, Pallava, Kerala Murals and Folk and Ritual art of Kerala.
History of World Art
Pre-historic art :-Altamira -- Paleolithic Painting & Sculpture- Neolithic Pottery -- Magico-religious
function of art
Greek Art- Roman architecture and sculpture-Early Christian Art-Byzantine art Art of the middle ages-
Gothic art. Renaissance in Italy and Northern European countries-Leonardo da vinci, Michael Angelo,
Raphael, Dutch realists of 17th Century, Romanticism, "Realism" in 19th Century
Impressionism-- Post impressionism -- Fauvism, Cubism--Expressionism-Futurism-abstraction-surrealism-
Dadaism-Pop art, post modern art -Installations- Public art practices- contemporary art scene.
Art Pedagogy
Scope, role and nature of art education in School curriculum-- the rationale for including art subject
supplementing learning process to see overall how it affect personality development.
Method of imparting the skill-
Constructive method: practical work-concept formation-Imagination
1. History of art and Ideas: ( to be narrated in story-telling style)
2. Simple introduction to some important aesthetic concepts
3. Description of great works of art stressing their significance of form-and- content relationship.
4. Arrange reproductions or electronic images of works of art and hold discussions on them -- motivate
students to look at works and encourage them to interpret the works in their own words.
5. Introduce to the students simple pieces of description about a work written by noted art-writers and
make them learn how to talk about/write about a work of painting or sculpture, stressing the form,
content and meaning of the work.
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Syllabus - Category IV
Sewing Machine

Different types of sewing machine - Hand, treadle, electrical, over lock

Parts of sewing machine and functions

Care and maintenance

Common problems and remedies while sewing

Special attachments
Tailoring Tools and Equipments

Measuring, Drafting, Cutting, Stitching, Pressing
Body Measurement

Measurement of human body and its importance

Dress form

Eight head and ten head theory

Measurement chart & relation of measurement
Pattern Making

Precautions in making patterns, Lay out, grading, spec sheet

Precautions in cutting cloth - texture based and design based
Hand Stitches used for Tailoring

Tacking, running, hemming, back, button hole, herring bone, over casting…..
Fullness in garments

Seams, darts, tucks, pleats, ruffles, gathers, smocking

Hemmed opening, continous opening, simple placket, mitred opening, fly opening, bound opening,
shirt opening

Buttonholes, buttons, hooks, eyes, zip, tape loops, rouleau loops

Facing, Binding, Piping
Raw Materials

Introduction to textiles

Classification of fibres - Natural and manmade

Yarn manufacturing process, yarn particulars

Different types of sewing threads, properties of sewing thread
Fabric Forming

Features of looms - types of looms - weaving process
Fabric Particulars

Warp, weft, EPI, PPI selvedge, cloth width, weaving designs
Finishing Process

Singeing, scouring, bleaching, mercerizing, sanforising, dyeing, printing, calendaring, shrinking, weighing,
napping, glazing, embossing, moireing

Roller printing, screen, block, stencil, spray, direct, discharge, resist

Common dyes, methods and styles of dyeing
Study of cloth

History of clothing

Cotton, silk, linen, woolen, shiffon, net, rayon, polyester, nylon, velvet, canvas

Selection of Fabrics according to climate, age, occupation, religion, cultural, political, festival

Clothing care - Stains removal, laundry

Different Types of mending, darning, patching
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Syllabus - Category IV
Technical Terms

Cross back, fly, lapels etc

Basic stitches, patterns, knowledge of tools

Basic stitches, knowledge of tools

Hand embroidery tools

Stitches and usage - Out line stitches, chain stitches, border stitches, marking stitches, decorative
stitches and ornamentation stitches

Design Transferring - Pouncing method, carbon, direct

Design Enlarging and Reducing - Square method, diagonal method

Cut work, aplique work, shadow work, drawn thread work, mirror work, beads work, sequence
Fabric Painting

Primary colours, secondary colours, tertiary colours, warm and cool colours, colour wheel

Scope, role and nature of art and craft education in school curriculum – the rationale for including
craft subject – supplementing learning process – overall personality development

Method of imparting the skill – constructive method – practical work – concept formation – imagination
– instructional aids – use of audio visual equipments – practical records and albums – field visit –
lesson planning – unit planning

Directing learner interest – approach

Trends and development in garment manufacturing – Socio economic considerations of fashion –
fashion designers – India and abroad

Publications in the craft – books and journals – national level institutes in garment manufacturing
education – NIFT – institutes involved in framing quality norms in the craft – ATIRA, NITRA

Evaluation – Constructing practical tests, assessing the skills.
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Syllabus - Category IV
Historical aspects of Music
Origin of music

Margi - Desi

Evaluation of Scales

Forms in sacred music, their evaluation
Music in Vedic Period

Udatha -
Anudatha - ...

Natya Sasthra by Bharathamuni, Bhrahdessi by Mathangamunni

Sangeetharatnakara - by Sarangadevan

Swaramelakalanidhi by Ramamathyar

Curriculum by Purandaradasa in mayamalavagowla Raga
Pre and post period of Trinity

Ashtapathy of Jayadeva

Bifurcation of Indian music as Hindustani and Karnatic music.
Seats of music

Madura, Tanjur, Mysore, Travancore

Thyagaraja, Deekshithar, Syamasasthri , Purandara dasar, Kshathrajnar,Narayanatheerthar, Jayadevar,
Arunagiri nathar, Maharaja Swathithirunal Mahakavi Kuttamath, Kuttikunnjithankachi, Eravivarman
thambi, K.C Kesava pilla, Papanasam Sivan, Neelakanda Sivan,
Technical aspects of Music
Musical Terminology

Naada, Swara, Sruthi, Vadi, Samvadi, Vivadi, Anuvadi, Sthayi, Gruha, Jeeva, Nyasa, Amsa, Raga,
Gamaka, Notation, ....
Musical Forms

Geetha, Jathiswaram, Swarajathi, Thanavarnam, Daruvarnam,Padavarnam, Krithi, Keerthanam,
Padam, Ragamalika, Javali, Thillana, Thirupukal, ......

Mayamalavagoula , Kalyani, Hamasadwani, Sankarabharanam, Hindolam, Mohanam, Saveri, Thodi,
Panthuvarali, Keeravani, Kharaharapriya, Chakravakam, Bilahari, Aarabhi, Vasantha, Abhogi, Kamboji,
Bhairavi, Poorvikalyani, Madhyamavathi

Sruthibhedha, 22 Sruthis, Dasavidagamagas, 72 Melakartha ragam Kadapayadi, Bhoothasankhya
Origin and development of Thala


Scheme of 35 Thala, Jathi, Gathi, Angas, Shadanga, Dasaprana.

Desadi -Madyadi Thala

Chapputhala and its varities
RecentTrends and development in music

Light music, film songs, Patriotic songs, Festival songs, Fution music, Karokea music, Music theraphy,
Influence of Carnatic music on Kathakali music , Influence of Hinduathsni music on Carnatic Music
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Syllabus - Category IV
Musical Instruments
Classification of musical instruments




Origin and development of musical instruments

Construction of musical instruments

Playing techniques
Musical Instruments

Thambura, Veena, violin, flute, mridangam, Chenda, Khanjira, Maddalam, Edakka, Thimila, Kombu,
Kuzhal, Gottuvadyam, Ghatam, Thavil, Nadaswram.
Folk Music, its characteristic and classification

Devotional song

Festival Song

Agricultural Song


Tharattupattu(Cardle Song, Lulleby )


Traditional ritual Songs
Pedagogical aspects of Music

Approach to learning of music

Process of teaching (Methodology)

Teaching manual/Plan

Pedagogic Analysis
Information Technology (IT) And Music

Out line Knowledge of personal computers, laptops and note book.

Internet, E-mail, Blog, World wide web Music sits, MP3, DVD's,recording